{% if payments is defined and payments is not empty %}

$refund_label {% if payments|length == 1%}#$number {% endif %}

{% endif %}



{% if payments is defined and payments is not empty %} {% set payment = payments|first %} {% if payment.client.vat_number %}

$vat_number_label: $vat_number

{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if payments is defined and payments is not empty %} {% set totalInvoices = 0 %} {% set totalRefunds = 0 %} {% for payment in payments %} {% for pivot in payment.paymentables|filter((pivot) => (pivot.is_credit == '0' and pivot.refunded_raw > 0)) %}

$invoice_label #{{ pivot.invoice }}

({{ pivot.amount }})

{{ pivot.refunded }}


{% set totalInvoices = totalInvoices + pivot.amount_raw %} {% set totalRefunds = totalRefunds + pivot.refunded_raw %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}


{{ totalInvoices|format_currency(currency_code) }}


{{ totalRefunds|format_currency(currency_code) }}

{% endif %}
